Alzheimer’s and Dementia Care in Solihull

Bright Dawn Home Care have specialised in Alzheimer’s and Dementia Care in Solihull for nearly 10 years.

We believe in supporting both the client and their families through their journey of dementia.

All our Care Assistants are specially trained and our extensive training is consistently updated to accommodate the client’s changing needs and behaviour. We have  regular meetings together with the families and a member of staff specialising in Dementia and Alzheimer’s to discuss and update the changing needs of the client, to ensure the best quality care; and allowing for the client to maintain their independence. Although all care assistants are trained to provide the best care services, a large proportion of our care assistants have higher levels of Dementia qualifications including Dementia Level 2. Our team are extremely dedicated to making sure the highest standard of care is always provided and they go the extra mile to qualify at higher levels to ensure your family gets the support needed when you need it.

Bright Dawn Home Care provide flexible and evolving care plans to meet the needs of the client, from daily care through to live-in care.

We encourage our Care Assistants and family to embrace the person’s individuality and personality; to see the person, not the Dementia.

Working alongside prestigious and dedicated voluntary Dementia organisations, to improve our own knowledge of Alzheimer’s and Dementia.


01564 784 598